How Homeschoolers can use Museums for Teaching

Here are some tips and tricks from experienced home schoolers to make the most of your visit to a museum.

1. Ask for an educational packet before your visit.

Many museums have information packets for teachers that include fact sheets, math and science activities and other projects to tie in during your visit.

2. Save with a membership and group visits.

Most museums have more exhibits and activities that you can absorb in one visit. You’ll save money on admission and parking by purchasing a family membership. Your lower average cost will keep you coming back over the course of a year, and you’ll take time to explore the little details that you might have missed if you’re rushing. Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry offers special group rates for homeschool families and groups, along with worksheets and exhibit guides.

3. Sign up for specialty classes and programs.

Music programs, training sessions, overnight camp-ins and drop-in story times are all great ways to take advantage of the expertise of professionals at your local museums. Most facilities have an email list that keeps you up-to-date on their latest offerings.

4. Share your topics of interest with the museum’s educators.

Museums are happy to help homeschooling families meet their educational requirements. If you’ve put together a curriculum that works for you, share it with the museum to offer for other families, too.

For more ideas, see the articles linked here.

Discovering the Mysteries of Museums

Museums Welcome Home Schoolers
