What to do with Leftover Halloween Candy

After the kids (and you!) have eaten your fill, here are some ideas on what to do with your leftover Halloween candy.

  1. Turn it in for the troops. A number of local dentists’ offices are participating in the Halloween Candy Buy Back program. You turn in your candy, the dentist’s office pays you $1 per pound, and then sends it to Operation Gratitude where it’s packed in holiday care packages for the troops. It’s a win for everyone! For an extra treat for the troops, have your kids write a letter or card to include. Just go to HalloweenCandyBuyback.com and enter your zip code to find an office near you.
  1. Learn some science. KidsHealth.org has some fun ideas for candy experiments. Try melting chocolate then letting it harden again to see how it changes color and texture. Dissolve Pixy Stix or other sour candy in half a cup of water, then add a spoonful of baking soda and watch it bubble. Check out the experiment on color separation, to see what those brown candies are made of.
  1. Make your own chilly treats. Chop up leftover bars, like Snickers and Kit Kats, and fold them into your favorite softened ice cream. Put back into the freezer to harden into a special treat. This also works well with malted milk balls, M&Ms and peanut butter cups – just avoid the gummy or hard candies that can crack a tooth when frozen.
  1. Start your gingerbread house now. You can find the house foundation at a local craft store, or use graham crackers and canned frosting to create your own house structure. Your little builders can use their creative ideas to design their own house. Add some glue and toothpicks to make a whole candy city.
  1. Better yet, bring home less candy in the first place. Have your kids Trick-or-Treat for Unicef at every other house instead of asking for candy.