Rules for Picking the Right Day Care

There are only about a million things in your daily routine that revolve around making sure you have a great day care that works for you and your family.  Ever try to finish a project from home with a toddler? It’s nearly impossible! The big question is how do you start to make this HUGE decision?

There are the obvious factors such as location and budget but what about the intangibles? Alice Iorio, President of Champion Parenting, has inspired both children and parents nationwide on how to successfully compete and succeed at all levels of education. Her award-winning teaching career spans a range of preschool through college age.

Here are her rules for picking the right one:

1. Take recommendations from your friends and other parents

2. Find an easy location for drop off and pick up

3. Visit the facility and see it for yourself

4. Trust your gut

5. Enquire about the daily routine, experience of workers, and length of time in business

6. Find out about safety procedures and method of notification to parents
